The Families First Coronavirus Response Act (FFCRA) requires certain employers to provide their employees with paid sick leave or expanded family and medical leave for specified reasons related to COVID-19. The Department of Labor’s (Department) Wage and Hour Division (WHD) administers and enforces the new law’s paid leave requirements. These provisions will apply from April 1,2020 through December 31, 2020. – Fisher Phillips
Please note that …”Covered employers qualify for dollar-for-dollar reimbursement through tax credits for all qualifying wages paid under the FFCRA. Qualifying wages are those paid to an employee who takes leave under the Act for a qualifying reason, up to the appropriate per diem and aggregate payment caps. Applicable tax credits also extend to amounts paid or incurred to maintain health insurance coverage.”
On 3/25/2020, the Department of Labor released the FFCRA (Families First Coronavirus Response Act) Poster. All covered employers [DOL: The paid sick leave and expanded family and medical leave provisions of the FFCRA apply to certain public employers, and private employers with fewer than 500 employees. Small businesses with fewer than 50 employees may qualify for exemption from the requirement to provide leave due to school closings or child care unavailability if the leave requirements would jeopardize the viability of the business as a going concern.] should post this poster immediately, in a conspicuous place that all employees can see. If you have remote employees, you may email (or mail) it to them to satisfy the requirement.
The DOL has also released an Employee Fact Sheet, Employer Fact Sheet, FFCRA Q & A, COVID19 and FLSA Q & A, and COVID19 and FMLA Q & A. Please read all of the communication provided by the Department of Labor to ensure you understand the program and are in compliance.
The DOL communications can answer many of your questions, but I am always here to help you navigate through these unprecedented times. This is a fluid and oft-changing situation – be prepared for potential updates to this program (or others) in the coming weeks and months.
***”To qualify for FFCRA, an employee must miss work for specifically designated reasons. Unemployment, on the other hand, applies when an employer no longer has a job for an employee and subjects that employee to a layoff, furlough, or termination situation.”***